Thursday, August 11, 2011

Earn Money by writing Articles on Triond

Are you good at writing, love writing and spend most of your time writing, Triond is a good platform for you to publish your work and at the same time, earn royalties from Triond.
How to Begin?

Of course you will need to register before you can publish your work.
Once you have registered, click on “submit” to add your writing. Once you have added your work, you will have to wait until it is approved to be published.
Triond cares about grammar and quality so make sure your articles are error free and beneficial to others.
You can use the built-in spell checker to make sure there is no spelling error in your articles.
However, articles are not the only content they accept.
They also accept video, audio and images.
Type of Articles To Submit

Basically Triond accepts all sorts of articles from personal experiences to poetry and even short stories. Since I have written a few short stories and poetry in the past, I published on Triond to earn a passive income every month.
To get better page views, you should write something that is popular, something that everyone wants to read and something that is educational.
For example, money making, movie reviews and Top 10 lists are very popular. People love to read these type of articles.
Apart from these, I have found that people love to read about game guides as well. I have written a guide on Mafia Wars and that is the one page that got the most page views.
However, in the end it depends on your creativity.
How to Calculate the Earnings?
According to Triond,
Earnings = page views * eRPM / 1000
To get better explanation, check this page.
Apart from page views, you should also pay attention to these criteria to make sure you earn more money:
  • the quality of the content
  • its use of language
  • keywords
  • the topic popularity
  • the content media type
Minimum Payment?
To get paid by PayPal, the minimum amount is $0.50.
To get paid by Western Union, the minimum amount is $50.00.
Payment will be made on 15th every month.
Therefore, I prefer to get paid by PayPal.
How to Promote Your Articles?
Once your articles are published on Triond, the next step is to spread a word about your articles so that people would read your articles.
The best way is to promote using social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. You can set your Twitter account in Triond so that Triond will automatically tweet your latest published articles to your Twitter account.
Is Triond a Scam?
There are way too many scam programs out there and therefore, we should all beware when we come across any money making site but Triond is for real.
Writers really get paid every month, as long as the earnings reach the minimum payment at the end of each month. Otherwise, the earnings will be roll over to the next month.
If you are new on Triond, you won’t be making hundreds or thousands for the first time. In fact, you might be shocked to learn that you are getting a few cents for the first month.
I started earning a few cents in the beginning before it increased to $0.78. My highest earning so far? $1.62 for the month of July.
Although it is just a dollar, imagine what a dollar can be in the next few months.
The Key Towards Earning More Money on Triond?
Submit as many articles (or content) as possible.
Of course you won’t be able to submit hundreds at a time (unless if you have the super power to create hundreds of content at a time), but take it one step at a time.
You can submit an article a day for five days a week, and you will have 20 articles in a month.
Make sure the content is of high quality so that the search engine will be able to redirect more traffic to your articles on Triond.
Give it a try. Triond is very addictive. It is not only a platform to make money but also for networking.

How to make money by writing Articles on Hubpages

Hubpages is a website where you can write about whatever you want and earn money for your efforts. This is the one line explanation of the site, but there is quite a bit more to it.
How to Make Money with Hubpages.
First, you have to sign up. If you haven’t yet, sign up here. Then come back here and read the rest of this two part article–I promise it will help you.
The way you earn money on hubpages is through the Google Adsense program and affiliate links through eBay and Amazon. You can also earn with an advertising network called Kontera, but don’t worry about it for now because it really doesn’t pay that well. If you are a savvy internet marketer, you can also make money on Hubpages with your own affiliate links to third party websites.
You split revenue with Hubpages 60/40 in your favor. The way this works is 6 times out of 10 your ID is used in the advertisements, which means you will earn on a click or sale made during this time. The other 4 times Hubpages has the potential to earn money for an action taken. People sometimes think that the total revenue is just split 60/40, but that’s not the case. Your ID is used randomly 6 times out of 10. It is a generous pay structure and there are quite a few people making good money at Hubpages.
Hubpages is a great place to start writing online, and even making money online. I mentioned earlier that you want to use keywords in your articles in order to be competitive and gain traffic to your work—because that’s what you need to do if you want to make any money. The way you do this is imagine what someone would type into a search engine in order to find the information you are providing.
If you were going to write about “making money online by writing,” then that phrase could be the keyword phrase you would want to use in your article. The next thing you want to consider is how competitive a term is. You can do this by using the Google Keyword Tool at this URL –
This tool will show you how many times your keyword has been searched in the past month and will give you a monthly average. It will also give you ideas of related terms that may be better options for you to use because they’re less competitive. It may sound a little confusing at the beginning, but you will get the hang of it after you do keyword research a few times. You also want to look at the price paid per click, which will give you a good idea on how much money ads that will display will be worth. The figure shown is not the total that you will earn because Google keeps some of the money, but you can easily see which terms are “worth” more and which ones are worth less.
My next article will go into more depth about choosing keywords for your internet writing. But for now, write down or copy and paste two or three sets of terms and how often they are searched and what they are worth. Now, you can type the keyword phrase into Google to see how many pages pop up. This is not an exact science but it will give an idea of how much content on the internet uses the term you are searching. If 100,000,000 pages come up, there are a lot of pages about what you are planning to write about, so it may be a lot more difficult to compete and get to the top of the search engines with your page. However, if only 250,000 pages come up, you have found a niche in which you can compete and may possibly be able to “own” by getting your page to the top. This is how you make good money in internet marketing with content and Google Adsense.
If you have a specialized skillset (and we all have at least one) I highly recommend you start creating content based on it on the internet. I notice that I sometimes get a few visitors to this site who are looking for ways to make money while unemployed. Hubpages is one such way. Start writing content about your expertise. I don’t care if it’s plumbing, roofing, gardening, or investing. If you can create content that is useful to people and valuable in some way, you will be able to make money.
Sign up for Hubpages and start writing and earning today.